قصة إختراع قش شرب الماء- Paille - Straws

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المخترع مرفين ستون سجل براءة إختراع قش شرب الماء في 3 جانفي 1988 . وكان ستون صناعي معروف في واشنطن  بصنعه لفافات السجائر من الورق وبعد إختراعه أصبح أول مصنَع في الولايات المتحدة الأميريكية لهذا المنتج .

ColourfulStraws Paille à boire Saveursdailleurs 12_1487Straws_OptionA_news  

Titre: Paille à boire

Date: 03 janvier 1888

Inventeur: ( Marvin Stone )

Lieu: ( Washington )

Qui ne s'est jamais servi d'une paille? Personne, surtout lorsque l'on boit dans une cannette. Avant qu'elle ne soit inventée en 1888, les gens utilisaient de l'herbe de seigle. Monsieur Stone avait déjà une compagnie à Washington qui fabriquait des supports de papiers à cigarette. Son premier prototype a été fait avec des bandes de papier enroulées autour d'un crayon et qu'il collait ensemble. Très bien reçu par des établissements locaux, il décida de perfectionner son invention en utilisant du papier paraffine, enduit de manila. Cette expérience démontra alors que ce type de papier éviterait que les pailles soient détrempées.

Le 3 janvier 1888, Marvin Stone déposa le premier brevet pour une paille à boire.

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History of straws

Marvin Stone, a manufacturer of paper cigarette holders, created drinking straws in 1888, according to Steven Caney's "Invention Book". Stone, who had a factory in Washington, D.C., enjoyed visiting a tavern after work for his usual drink, a chilled mint julep.

Because mint juleps lose their flavor when warmed, people drank them through natural grass straws so they wouldn't have to touch the glass. Unfortunately, the natural straws - often cut from rye - tended to make the drink taste like grass.

straws1 straws

Stone saw a connection between the process for making his cigarette holders and making a paper-wound, artifical drinking straw. Spurred on by the prospect of a better - tasting mint julep, he started winding long strips of paper around a pencil and fastening the loose end with a dab of glue. Soon other patrons wanted to try his paper tube straws for their mint juleps.

Reasoning that people would enjoy drinking lemonade through a straw, too, Stone designed an 8 1/2-inch paper straw with a diameter just wide enough to prevent a lemon seed from lodging in the tube. He used a paraffin - coated manila paper so the straw wouldn't become soggy when put into liquids.

Stone patented his straw, and by 1890 most of the employees at the Stone Cigarette Holder Factory were winding artificial straws.

In 1906, eight years after Stone's death, the first machine - made drinking straws were manufactured with a steam - powered engine.

Source : Richard A. Norris / Buffalo News / buffalo Magazine / Oct. 13, 1985.


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